This event will be hosted at the Sutherland Curling Club in Saskatoon, SK. It will be played alongside a women's event. 12 teams max, pending registration interest in both events. $400 entry fee. Format TBD pending number of registrants and ice availability.
This event is open to all competitive male-female mixed doubles teams from any location. Junior, Senior and Club based teams are encouraged to participate. If in the event that registration interest exceeds maximum capacity, priority for waitlisted teams will be given to Saskatchewan-based teams. All other registrations will be considered on a first-come first-served basis.
Registration closes on the Monday 11 days prior to the event start. Entry fees are nonrefundable after the registration has closed (some exceptions may be granted in unique circumstances).
The aim of the Sask Curling Tour is to ensure accessibility of curling to teams across Saskatchewan. As a result, the tour does its best to condense events in order to minimize time spent away from work and family. Decisions regarding event and playoff format will prioritize optimizing ice availability and shorter event durations, while maintaining the highest level of competition and fairness to all teams possible.